Nutrients for plants with a longer flowering time.
Easy to use and ensures optimal conditions. Made by Green House
Nutrients for plants with a longer flowering time.
Easy to use and ensures optimal conditions. Made by Green House
The balanced NPK ratio provides enough nitrogen throughout the whole stage of flowering.
The high amounts of phosphorous allow the plants to develop a strong and healthy root system.
Especially for plants with a long flowering time more than 10 weeks.
Use clean tap water, at a temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius. (65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit)
Mix vigorously for 2-3 minutes
The mixed solution can be kept for up to 7 days, at room temperature, in a light-proof containe
N-P-K-Mg: 18+12+18+(1.2)
18% N Total Nitrogen
10% NS Nitrogen Nitrate
8% NA Nitrogen Ammoniacal
12% PO Nitrogen Phosphorus
18% KO Soluble Potassium
1.2% Mg Soluble Magnesium (=1.2% Mg)
0.02% B Soluble Boron
0.04% Cu Soluble Copper (As Chelate Form EDTA)
0.1% Fe Soluble Iron (As Chelate Form EDTA)
0.05% Mn Soluble Manganese (As Chelate From EDTA)
0.01% Mo Soluble Molybdenum
0.01% Zn Soluble Zinc (As Chelate From EDTA)
Concentration gr./Lt.
0.5 1
1.5 2
EC (mS)
1 1.4
2 2.6
These values are calculated starting from tap water, at medium hardness with EC 0.7